Back to Life, Back to Reality
The transition out of summer and back to school and reality can be challenging for kids and parents alike. We can find ourselves feeling super stressed out and far more emotionally vulnerable as we settle into our “new normal” for the year ahead.

Couples Who Quarantine Together…
There is an assumption in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) that, based on current circumstances, patients are doing the best they can. Never has this been more true than right now as we’re all doing the best we can to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Accumulate Positives in Your Daily Life
I have observed that oftentimes when I ask people how they’re doing, many allude to how BUSY they are these days. Can you relate? I know I can! In a society that encourages busyness and over-activity, it is imperative that we take time every day to engage in activities we want to do in addition to those we have to do.