April Showers
You’ve probably heard the phrase “April showers bring May time flowers.” What you might not have heard is that April is National Stress Awareness Month.

Supporting Mental Wellness in Students Under Pressure
In the most recent Peachtree DBT Webinar, Nissa White, discusses how to support students mental health in the academic environment. She explores the development of mental health in adolescents, ineffective coping skills including self harm, outlines strategies for students who are experiencing elevated stress, and how students’ support systems can help in times of need.

WOAH, We’re Halfway There!
There are 182 days behind us and 183 days ahead of us (not including in a leap year). The month of July allows us to reflect on how we are doing and where we want to go for the remainder of the year.

The definition of resolutions according to the Oxford dictionary is: a firm decision to do or not to do something. This gives the option for us to choose if we want to do something or not, it also gives us the opportunity to fail if we choose to forgo a resolution.

Being A Friend
Some people have dreams of being a doctor, a constructor worker, or a teacher. While some of those were true for me, I ultimately felt called to become a therapist after learning the statistic that 21 soldiers die by suicide every day in my undergraduate entry level psychology class.