Being A Friend
Some people have dreams of being a doctor, a constructor worker, or a teacher. While some of those were true for me, I ultimately felt called to become a therapist after learning the statistic that 21 soldiers die by suicide every day in my undergraduate entry level psychology class.

Breaking The Stigma of Suicide
September 10th, 2021 is World Suicide Prevention Day. Sadly, suicide is already a leading cause of death in the US. This is of grave concern, prompting the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to publish a recent article entitled “The dual pandemic of suicide and COVID-19”

Holding Space in Times of Unrest
Many have been at a loss in the last couple of weeks as to how to “show up,” move forward, or even just unfreeze during these times of unrest. The recent incidents of violence against black individuals have brought issues of systemic racism to the forefront amid a public health crisis.

Paying it Forward
The images of people vying for supplies and food in the aisles of the supermarket, or the short-staffed hospital workers without access to proper protective equipment are etched in our minds these days.