Self-Compassion: Building Resilience in Children with ADHD
Does your child often criticize themselves? Do they jump to say negative things about themselves after making small mistakes? It’s incredibly upsetting for any parent to hear their child say “I’m stupid. I’m lazy. I can’t do anything right.” Even when you rush to convince your child that these self-critical statements are false, your words may not be heard.

Five Brain Break Strategies to Help Children Focus as the School Year Ramps Up
Whether it’s virtually or in person, the school year is underway! Brain breaks are a key, research-backed method to keep children attentive, productive, motivated, and stress-free. Brain breaks are short, scheduled breaks that help brains shift focus before fatigue, distraction, or frustration set in.

Embrace Your Space
Over the past few weeks, a lot has changed – and that’s a complete understatement. Workplaces, gyms, schools, and stores have all closed, and we’re now stuck at home, limited to the confines of our space.