Building Mastery
With Emotion Regulation skills class starting this month, I am reflecting on the ways in which I use my skills of accumulating positives and building mastery both presently and in the past.

Breaking The Stigma of Suicide
September 10th, 2021 is World Suicide Prevention Day. Sadly, suicide is already a leading cause of death in the US. This is of grave concern, prompting the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to publish a recent article entitled “The dual pandemic of suicide and COVID-19”

Learn Something New Every Day
There is that old adage, You learn something new everyday. Sometimes, this is said in jest, though I earnestly believe that we can take this to a new level of meaning. Right now, we have an opportunity to rethink how we use our time, and our minds, for the greater good.

Just Keep Moving
Recently, it has become more important than ever for us to take care of our bodies. Restrictions, limitations, and closings have unfortunately led us (and without a doubt myself) to be more secluded, docile, and without access to important resources such as gyms, fitness centers, and parks. Is the effort worth it?

PLEASE Take Care of Yourself
The “PLEASE” skill refers to a specific skill set within DBT’s emotion regulation module, which basically refers to taking care of your mental health by taking care of your physical health.