May the Force (and some Animal-Assisted therapy) be with you!
Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a type of psychotherapy that includes animals in treatment to achieve therapeutic goals. It can also be utilized as a complementary treatment modality to supplement other traditional types of therapies.

Holding Space in Times of Unrest
Many have been at a loss in the last couple of weeks as to how to “show up,” move forward, or even just unfreeze during these times of unrest. The recent incidents of violence against black individuals have brought issues of systemic racism to the forefront amid a public health crisis.

The “New Normal”
As stay at home orders are lifted, many people are asking themselves what the “new normal” will be like, whether there was ever truly a “normal,” or whether establishing their own sense of “normalcy” will be possible.

Tame (or Tickle) Your Temper
Are your emotional breaks failing during the stay-at-home order? Perhaps you find you are running on a shorter fuse, are lashing out more often, or just cannot seem to find the patience you usually reserve for friends, family, or even your pets.

Snooze or Lose
Is COVID keeping you from getting some shut eye? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been hearing your concerns: more difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both!

The Unwelcome Party Guest
Perhaps you’ve been there: You’ve hosted a party or have attended a party in which someone arrives that perhaps would not have made your list of top people to invite. Maybe someone brought them along, your spouse said you couldn’t not invite them, or better yet, they invited themselves.

Coronavirus: Anxiety & OCD
Coronavirus: It’s like we have developed a serious case of the “cooties” overnight.

Leaves on a Stream: Defusing from your (Unhelpful) Thoughts
With a 14-day stay at home order in place, it can become difficult to not feel stuck—and it’s true, that in a sense, you are. That being said, our ways of relating to our thoughts can often times make us feel most stuck of all.