Establishing an Effective treatment team

Masking for Halloween

During our initial intake with clients that are seeking DBT, we often hear, “I already tried DBT, and it did not work, how will this be any different?” There is a difference between delivering only some of the components of DBT (DBT-Informed Treatment) and delivering DBT to fidelity as it was designed by Dr. Linehan and her colleagues (Comprehensive DBT).

Self-Injury Awareness Month
As March ends, it is important to highlight the topic of self-injury given that this month is dedicated to increasing awareness around this commonly misunderstood behavior.

Building Mastery
With Emotion Regulation skills class starting this month, I am reflecting on the ways in which I use my skills of accumulating positives and building mastery both presently and in the past.

Returning to School: A Parent’s Sweet Dream Turned Nightmare
Once upon a time, in a land not too, too far away, their lived parents with children eagerly awaiting a slight drop in temperature, a turning of the leave, signifying the fading of summer and ushering in the fall. This was a time of joy and festivity in all the land.

PLEASE Take Care of Yourself
The “PLEASE” skill refers to a specific skill set within DBT’s emotion regulation module, which basically refers to taking care of your mental health by taking care of your physical health.

LGBTQIQ+ and so much more in 2020
Welcome to 2020! A new decade. It’s time to look toward the future and get rid of that excess baggage, toxic energy, and outdated way of thinking. If you are re-reading the title and thinking, “What are all these initials and why did you make them up?” Great question. I didn’t. I actually left a few (a lot) out.

It’s a Marathon Not a Sprint
My friend with zero athletic capability told me in September that she had decided to run the New York City marathon. Okay-Maybe that’s not fair. My friend with minimal athletic capability decided to run a marathon. Don’t get me wrong. This girl looks amazing in a leotard, but running in one? I had my doubts.